Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Circuit Design Part 3: Assembly variants/component

Assembly Variants.
  1. Quick connectors
  2. Rectifier
  3. Capacitors
  4. Diode
  5. Lcd Display 16*2
  6. Fuse
  7. Pic 16F877A Microcontroller
  8. Voltage Regulator
  9. Inductor
  10. LED
  11. Resistor
  12. Potentiometer
  13. Switch
  14. Transformer
  15. Current Tranducer

Monday, August 13, 2012

circuit design Part 3 : LTS 25-np

Current Tranducers for the electronics measurement of current : DC, AC, Pulsed, mixed with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit (high power) and secondary circuit (electronic circuit)

Friday, August 10, 2012

circuit design Part 2 : PCB layout

circuit design part 2 is about the conversion of schematics design to board design.

Schematics design to Board design.

when the selection of the components link connection is completed, the next step is converting to PCB layouts.

this is the final design of PCB layouts before it print out to PCB board.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

circuit design part 1

 i start my second part of my final year project by designing circuit schematic. i used EAGLE ( Easy Applicable Graphics Layout Editors as a schematic designer. this software is developed by The component libraries supplied with EAGLE have been compiled with great care as an additional service to me. However, the large number of available components and suppliers of these components means that the occasional discrepancy is unavoidable.  

 after the designing is completed. i have to convert it to the PCB layout. this step will show the link or connection between component before do the etching process.